3 reviews by Waynes McBrown..
Alex Kidd in High Tech World

From: Waynes McBrown
Comments: I remember playing this as a kid, although I don't remember how I got my hands on the cartridge as I did not own the game. Nonetheless, I remember playing this and enjoying it because it was something new and different. Now that I am older and I played this game again, I realized how much this game is really lacking. The controls feel unrefined, the puzzles appear to be weak and the attempt at humour fails. I would not recommend this game.

Rating: n/a

Pro Wrestling

From: Waynes McBrown
Comments: I spent (not wasted) many hours of my youth playing this fantastic game. The graphics may be crude and the moves may be repetitive, but this game was a must for any wrestling fan.


My Hero

From: Waynes McBrown
Comments: For such an god awful game, I did spend a great deal of time playing this game. I guess the only "coolness" factor for this game is the fact that it is one of the Sega Card games. Other than that....
